A brand new, monthly merchandise subscription box service has just launched, and we got our hands on the very first Power Up Box so you can check out what’s inside!
The Power Up Box comes in two flavors: a “Deluxe Box” for $16.95 and a “Premium Box” for $25.45 (both plus shipping and handling). Whichever one you choose will be delivered to your door with its own assortment of random geek goodies, plus a t-shirt, once a month for a one-time deal or a subscription of three, six, or twelve months—with longer subscriptions carrying increasingly discounted prices.
Like other subscription box services, they’re going for that “Christmas morning” feel when you open the box. Take a look at what we unwrapped today:
They were also nice enough to give us a coupon code for you, our loyal reader! Code: TheMarySue (good for 10% off your first month). Should you try out Power Up Box?
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