Okay, I don’t usually go in for movie-branded gear around here, mostly because I’m no longer a six-year-old. It’s among the many reasons that I’ll be avoiding the inevitable and nightmarish gut-trauma that is one of Denny’s Hobbit-themed meals this month — that and an abiding respect for my colon. Every once in a while, though, there comes a product that, against our better judgment, we just have to say a resounding yes to. These Hobbit-branded Moleskine notebooks are such a product, combining my love of all things Middle-Earth and my deep and lasting appreciation of a fine notebook into an item about which I can only mutter a defeated “Shut up and take my money.”
You’ll rarely see me without a Moleskine notebook on my person somewhere, because they are the best. While I’m not generally a very brand-loyal guy (read: I’m one cheap son-of-a-gun) as someone who writes for a living, I want something that’s comfortable, classic, and feels right in my hand. For years, that’s meant pretty much nothing but Moleskines, aside from the occasional legal pad or stack of index cards. Anything else just feels like faking it.
Between my innumerable pocket notebooks, my indispensable day planner, or one of several general notebooks I stash in a backpack or pocket to prevent being caught unaware by my next great idea, I’ve come to lean heavily on these notebooks, and they’ve yet to let me down. Without them, brilliant notions like “TV show about werewolves who hunt werewolf hunters” may have been lost to the ether forever, snuffed out before I had they even had a chance to bloom. Also, I would forget to buy toilet paper, like, all the time.
You can get this two pack of hardbound, pocket-sized notebooks — one ruled for more put together thoughts, one plain for scribbling and brainstorming, as is right and proper — for the utterly reasonable price of $16.95. They’re embossed with designs inspired by the film, and also contain a convenient map of the Wilderlands, something I have never felt was sadly lacking in a notebook until this moment. Now I wonder how I have lived this long without one.
(via ThinkGeek)